KISD requires a background check of adults who will be volunteering around the students, so please complete the online KISD volunteer application at your earliest convenience.
KISD may take up to 2 weeks to process your application, and since we will have volunteer opportunities as early as the end of July, we ask EVERYONE to please plan on completing your applications by the end of June. (Background checks are not required for Boom Bazaar participation.)
Once you receive your e-mail approval, please forward it to volunteer@timbercreekband.org, WITH YOUR NAME IN THE TITLE LINE...i.e. Jodi Gould - Background Check Approval.
How can I help?
Volunteer opportunities to support the TC Falcon Band including Color Guard are posted
in the Falcon Band - Parents BAND app and TC Band {Section} Families Band.
Enter #volunteer in the search bar of the group to find recent posts sent
by VP of Volunteers, organized with a Sign-Up Genius page. Volunteer category descriptions are included below. We can’t wait to meet you!
Each Timber Creek Marching Band event needs several photographers and 1-2 videographers in order to capture all the band moments at the games and contests.
KISD Volunteer Background Check is required.
Uniform volunteers help us ensure the Timber Creek Marching Band is the best-dressed!
KISD Volunteer Background Check is required.
We are looking for individuals who can attend the majority of football games and marching contests. Chaperones help ensure students are where they're supposed to be, when they're supposed to be there. Chaperones are warm & caring, while ensuring students adhere to band guidelines. Duties include taking roll for bus rides, helping to distribute boxed meals at contests and assisting students with any needs while away from TC.
Volunteers for meal distribution need to have the ability to be at TC no later than 3:30 on Game Days (Thursdays and Fridays from August to November). You will help ensure students receive the meal they ordered, meet catering/delivery drivers, and set up meal stations, and clean/reset the cafeteria.
Capable of heavy lifting, our prop & pit crew volunteers ensure that instruments, props & equipment are loaded onto trucks/buses safely and efficiently. May be involved in prop building/finishing throughout summer and early fall seasons.
Our concession stand volunteers help make our home games extra special! Volunteers are split into 2 shifts so if you'd like to catch part of the game, you can!
We are always on the lookout for new parents who would like to help with our BPA administrative duties, as well as parents willing to help us head up committees throughout the year.
Help our awesome VP of Public Relations get the word out about TC Band! Volunteer to help secure corporate sponsorships, update our social media channels, work with branded items, and help us advertise fundraisers, concerts and events!