2024-2025 Community
partnership program
The Falcon Band's annual budget is funded in part by contributions from Keller ISD and student participation fees, but those cannot fund the full operating budget alone. The Timber Creek HS BPA (501c3) exists to fill the gap by supporting the Falcon Band through fundraising and volunteerism, to ensure that our students are able to reach their goal of competing at the highest level. We rely on our valued community partners to help with our annual fundraising goals and invite you to learn more about giving opportunities and benefits in the Community Partnership Opportunities brochure, here.
Official friends of the Timber Creek Falcon Band!
Platinum LEVEL
Gold level
Star Sports Keller
Premier provider of team uniforms and fan wear in North Texas and DFW since 2008
Signarama North Fort Worth
Full service sign center featuring the latest technology and highest quality products including custom signs, banners, logos, displays and more!
Fast Refunds Tax Services
Fast, considerate, and professional Individual and business tax services, as well as bookkeeping, payroll and many other business solutions since 1989.
Silver LEVEL
Monster Clutch
Falcon Fan level
Wise Guys Roanoke
Trestle Hospitality Concepts

Make a donation
Individuals and businesses can make a one-time or recurring donation at any time. Thank-you for supporting the band!