Game Day | Contest Season
There are multiple ways the Band Directors and Band parent association will communicate information:
Presto Assistant is a database and communication system that stores contact information and tracks student financial statements. New families will get connected to Presto on registration day.
The weekly Bird’s Nest email from Mr. McCann sent on Sunday or Monday will contain answers to most questions. Referring to this email should be your first source. (check your email address in Presto to make sure you are getting these)
The BAND App
Read below on responses to the most asked FAQs.
The Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO 10/26/24
Photo: Erin Duffey
Please see the band handbook. Link here.
First, refer to the most recent Bird’s Nest weekly email.
Next, ask your student or request your student ask their Section Leaders.Next, refer to the Band app. Use the search bar to look for prior posts on the topic. If you still have a question after consulting those resources, send a direct message using the Band app to your section mentor parent. https://www.timbercreekband.org/connect
The best practice is to ask a mentor directly. General posts in the Band App should be limited to directors and Band Parent Association board members and committee leaders.
Come join us and be a part of the conversation for the kids!
Band Parent Association meetings last approximately 60 minutes or LESS on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. BPA members are the parents/guardians of current band students (no cost to be a member).
Additionally, volunteer opportunities whether it be one time or many are outlined in the Volunteer Page. Click to learn more.
The Band Google calendar is actively managed by the directors and is the primary source of truth. The calendar view in the Band app calendar may not sync perfectly and cannot be trusted.
To move a copy of the TC Band calendar to your own Google Calendar, go to this page https://www.timbercreekband.org/calendar and in the bottom left, click the link “Add to Google calendar”.For a video tutorial on managing events and organizing calendars from an alum band mom, watch this video, open link.
Great question! UIL uses a wet bulb global temperature rating to determine the heat. If you've never heard of that, its a fancy calculation that takes into account air temp, humidity, angle of the sun, and wind speed. UIL hard and fast rule for marching band is that if the WBGT is over 92*, you cannot be outside. Underneath that, there are ratios for the amount of time you can do band vs. rest. You can read the UIL rule here.
Home game football tickets are purchased from the mobile ticketing vendor, Brushfire. See KISD Stadium Policies and the Games/Competitions page for additional information.
Pro tip: Volunteers who open the concession stand do not need to buy a ticket.
Grandparents of students can inquire about complimentary passes to games by visiting the district office: 350 Keller Parkway, Keller TX 76248
On the respective Home/Away side, then after that - Anywhere you prefer! Parents usually sit near the band to watch our students perform in the stands during football games. We are their biggest fans and enjoy watching them. Wear purple and come ready to cheer!
All band students will perform the Spirit Show during pregame and for the Skydancers at halftime. During the season this may change to only pregame once the marching shows fill up more of halftime.
We have a specific traffic flow that we follow to minimize unloading times for Falcon One and keeping our students safe crossing the street. See map in the Band APP.
Turn into the school from the green arrows, drive onto the band grid, and wait for your kiddo there. You can exit by the blue arrows.
Food is not permitted on district buses, in the stands, or while students are in uniform (exceptions are for medical needs and previously approved by a director). Students must have a filled water jug for each game (refills available) and will be fed before all football games and marching contests. During out-of-town contest trips snacks are provided on the bus by the band.
Pro tip: Volunteer with the Boxed Meal Team to see what the band eats and get a minute to see your student before they board the bus.
No, BOA and UIL use different classification systems based on school size, not band size. BOA has a total of 4 classifications and UIL has 6.
No, all students ride home on the buses. They have procedures to properly put away uniforms/unload the truck, etc.
Read this helpful post and video from an alum band mom.
A packing list for families can be found here.